Tokyo Condition - Japanese Vinyl Shop
7" - Tomoko Aran - Drive To Love
7" - Tomoko Aran - Drive To Love ’84 The City Pop Goddess Tomoko Aran's elusive 45 taken from her album ‘More Relax’ which was entirely backed up by the mighty Casiopea team. “Mou Ichido South Wind” on B-side is loungy jazz-fusion bossa pop bliss! Record: VG++ Cover: VG+ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Pedro & Capricious - Mukuchi Na Natsu
7" - Pedro & Capricious - Mukuchi Na Natsu ’84 Veteran band Pedro & Capricious's seldom seen 45 containing smooth latin city pop stepper “Mukuchi Na Natsu”! You won't find this on Discogs. Record: EX Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Amii Ozaki - I'm A Lady Tiger
7" - Amii Ozaki - I'm A Lady Tiger ’82 Overlooked 45 from Amii Ozaki, one of the most prolific city pop singer-songwriters. Includes “I'm A Lady Tiger”, crazy boogie funk banger with a spooky feel, which will definitely fit right into your Halloween DJ set. Brilliant AOR stepper “It's Easy If You Try” on the flip too. Surprisingly tough to find on 45! Record: EX Cover: EX ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Shunzo Ohno - Quarter Moon
LP - Shunzo Ohno - Quarter Moon ’79 First pressing. Veteran trumpeter / composer Shunzo Ohno delivers choke-full of sublime jazz-funk dancers! This is definitely recommended if you’re a fan of the Mizell Brothers! “In The Sky” was selected on @djnotoya’s ‘Funk Tide’ compilation too. Became quite scarce nowadays. Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Yayoi Hirabe - Flash Point
LP - Yayoi Hirabe - Flash Point ’82 Obscure album from practically unknown keyboard player Yayoi Hirabe. Packed with quality jazz-fusion cuts that are mellow, funky, & suspenseful! Definitely recommended for our sample hunters too. ヤマハ出身のエレクトーン奏者=平部やよい の82年作。トロピカル・メロウ・ステッパー「Isle Of Coral Reef」や、アルケミストがネタにしそうな「竹林」など、強力な内容。見かけない一枚です。 Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ / obi / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Kimiko Kasai - Love Talk
LP - Kimiko Kasai - Love Talk ’84 J-jazz queen Kimiko never failed to deliver heat - this LP is fully loaded with mesmerizing modern soul / boogie jewels backed up by top US players such as Harvey Mason, Nathan East, & Paul Jackson. Became not easy to come by these days. ハーヴィー・メイソン、ポール・ジャクソン、ネイサン・イーストらが参加した、笠井紀美子84年LA録音作品。ブギー・ファンクからメロウ・ステッパーまで、研ぎ澄まされた極上グルーヴが満載。 Listen Record: EX Cover: VG+ / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Atsushi Nakagawa & Yokohama Seven - Maboroshi No Blues
7" - Atsushi Nakagawa & Yokohama Seven - Maboroshi No Blues ’81 Obscure enka vocal group's elusive 45 containing mellow psychedelic latin soul joint “Maboroshi No Blues”! No sales history on Discogs, tough 45 to find. 様々なカヴァーが存在することで知られる藤本卓也・作曲による名曲「まぼろしのブルース」、中川あつしとヨコハマ・セブンなるグループによるヴァージョン。サンタナを彷彿させる泣きのギターが唸るメロウ・ラテン・ロックで、最もクロスオーヴァー度の高いカヴァー。 Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Goro Noguchi - Kōri O Yurasu Hito
7" - Goro Noguchi - Kōri O Yurasu Hito ’81 Big kayō star Goro Noguchi's overlooked 45. “Kōri O Yurasu Hito” is Yuji-Ohno-type-beat mellow soul slow burner that is NOT on any of his LPs. 野口五郎『氷をゆらす人』7吋。三木たかし作曲によるドープ・メロウ・ボッサ・ソウルの隠れ名曲!オリジナルLPには未収録です。 Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Hideki Saijo - From Tokyo
LP - Hideki Saijo - From Tokyo ’86 One of the most coveted albums from accomplished artist Hideki Saijo, and it’s for good reason. Loaded with top-notch synth funk / modern soul bangers supported by Minako Yoshida, Shiro Sagisu & others. Very hard to find! 西城秀樹の86年作品。吉田美奈子作によるミネアポリスファンク「Rain」や、メロウブギー「City Dreams From Tokyo」、鷺巣詩郎アレンジによるアップテンポなブギーファンク「Madness」など、強力なトラック揃いのレアアルバム。 Listen Record: EX Cover: VG++ / obi / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Mariko Tone - Naturally
LP - Mariko Tone - Naturally ’86 Certified city pop diva Mariko’s 3rd. Loaded with outstanding boogie cuts like “Nettaiya”, “Private number” & more! Listen Record: EX Cover: EX / insert / originally no obi ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Mitsuko Horie - Sunao Ni Narenakute
LP - Mitsuko Horie - Sunao Ni Narenakute ’83 Seldom seen LP from Mitsuko Horie, who is known as the ‘queen of anime song’ in Japan. Includes breezy city pop jammer “Weekend Night”, and mesmerizing synth pop floater “Sunao Ni Narenakute”. Listen Record: EX Cover: VG++ / obi / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
LP - Kaientai - Youyaku Wakarikaketekita
LP - Kaientai - Youyaku Wakarikaketekita ’82 Under the radar! “Bumon Kensei” is Kung-fu themed dope new wavey funk beats. Also contains a solid reggae track “Taegataki”. 海援隊『ようやく解りかけてきた』LP。職人・川村栄二のアレンジによるニューウェーヴィなドープ・ビーツ「武門拳精」を収録。「TAEGATAKI」も格好良いレゲエ・チューン。あまり見かけない一枚。 Listen Record: EX Cover: EX / obi / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Urban Volcano Sounds - Hangover Lullaby
7" - Urban Volcano Sounds - Hangover Lullaby ’20 Contemporary funk duo Urban Volcano Sounds delivers exquisite midtempo synth funk with laidback vocals “Hangover Lullaby”! Smooth boogie instrumental “Urban Hights” on B-side too. Listen Record: EX Cover: EX ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - EMPiRE - Don't Tell Me Why
7" - EMPiRE - Don't Tell Me Why ’21 Only 45 release from a short-lived female dance pop group EMPiRE. “Don’t Tell Me Why” is bouncy synth disco pop borrowing a piano riff from Jamiroquai’s “Virtual Insanity”! Uptempo electro funk “Tokyo Moonlight” on B-side. Listen Record: VG++ (clear vinyl) Cover: EX / insert ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Rise Natsumi - Soshite Sentimental Journey
7" - Rise Natsumi - Soshite Sentimental Journey ’79 Obscure! Practically unknown singer Rise Natsumi delivers astonishing disco soul dancer with lavish orchestral arrangement “Soshite Sentimental Journey”. Mellow ballad “Johnny No Heya” on B-side too. 巨匠・萩田光雄の作編曲による「そして、センチメンタル・ジャーニー」が重厚で荘厳なアレンジに彩られた強力ディスコファンク。シングルオンリー。 Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Ouyang Fei Fei - Sonohi Gurashi
7" - Ouyang Fei Fei - Sonohi Gurashi ’77 Seldom seen 45 from Ouyang Fei Fei, Taiwanese-Japanese singer who gained popularity among asian countries. This Japan-only 7inch contains “Minato Lullaby” on B-side, killer kayō soul dancer with a little bit of latin vibe. 欧陽菲菲『その日ぐらし』7吋。巨匠・馬飼野康二のペンによるB面「港ララバイ」が強力なラテン・ソウル歌謡!彼女のシングルの中でも見かけない一枚。 Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Kay - Dirty Hero
7" - Kay - Dirty Hero ’78 Debut single from Kay, not well known Japanese songstress best known for her sole album ‘Somewhere In New York’. “Dirty Honey” on B-side is jazzy samba funk jammer! 深町純プロデュースによるLP『Somewhere In New York』で知られるロンドン出身シンガーKayの1stシングル。疾走感のあるサンバディスコ「ダーティー・ハニー」をB面に収録。アルバムverとはテイク違いです。 Listen Record: VG++ (promo) Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Miyako Chaki - Maboroshi No Hito
7" - Miyako Chaki - Maboroshi No Hito ’77 Fairly underrated singer-songwriter Miyako Chaki's mind-blowing 45 two-sider. Single-exclusive proggy dark soul “Kaze No Hashi” on the flip, and haunted rare groove heater “Maboroshi No Hito”! Listen Record: VG++ Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Kuniko Fukushima - Goodbye
7" - Kuniko Fukushima - Goodbye ’78 Under the radar city pop 45 double-sider! “Goodbye” is 45-only midtempo city soul with immaculate backing. “Subete Wa Futari Ni” on the flip is stunning slow groove too. Listen Record: EX Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Ikkoh Mine - Yumeiro Rhapsody
7" - Ikkoh Mine - Yumeiro Rhapsody ’82 Rare 45 with both sides arranged by the great Jun Fukamachi. B-side “Rouge Wa Doko” is unbelievably dope modern soul slow burner! A-side has misting part on edge which causes almost unnoticeable surface noise in the beginning, check the last clip. This copy is marked down accordingly. テイチクからLPリリースが確認されているマイナー シンガー=峯一晃「夢色ラプソディ」7吋。両面共に鬼才・深町純がアレンジを担当、ドープなオーラを纏ったクワイエットストーム・トラックですが、特に「ルージュは何処」(B面)が秀逸。A面に薄い部分ヤケあり、イントロ部に微かにノイズが出ます。 Listen Record: VG+ (promo) Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Yuki Nakayamate - Telephone Box
7" - Yuki Nakayamate - Telephone Box ’80 A highly overlooked city pop 45 containing delightful modern soul stepper “Flash” on B-side! Never been sold on Discogs, not an easy one to find either. Listen Record: EX (promo) Cover: EX ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Mari Nakamoto - Sing Our Song Together
7" - Mari Nakamoto - Sing Our Song Together ’81 Veteran jazz singer Mari Nakamoto delivers heavyweight fusion soul slow banger “We’re Gonna Make Love Tonight” on B-side! Breezy mellow ballad “Sing Our Song Together” on A-side too. Listen Record: EX Cover: VG++ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
7" - Tatsuro Yamashita - Amaku Kiken Na Kaori
7" - Tatsuro Yamashita - Amaku Kiken Na Kaori ’82 Undeniable city pop essential! “Amaku Kiken Na Kaori” is 45-only modern soul tune with Curtis Mayfield’s “Tripping Out” type beat. “Music Book” on B-side is taken from his classic LP “For You”, and as good as A-side. Listen Record: EX Cover: VG+ ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.
12" - Luv 2 Shy - What’s Your Name? XXX
12" - Luv 2 Shy - What’s Your Name? XXX ’97 “What’s Your Name? XXX” is slept on new jack swing hitter. “What’s Your Name? XXX (O.S.O.C. Mix) is more synth funk type remix. Listen Record: VG++ Cover: Generic ◆ご注文確定前に◆ ABOUTページ内の「日本国内のお客様へ」を必ずお読みください。 ***OVERSEA BUYERS*** Please read our ABOUT page before ordering.